Basket of Flowers – Free Entry
At the Summer Show
25 & 26 June 2025

Would you like to try entering a flower arrangement in the Royal Norfolk Show? We are looking for arrangements from beginners who are not members of a flower arranging club. Flower arranging is for everyone not just members of clubs!
If you love your garden and flowers and would like to have a go why not consider bringing along an entry to share with showgoers in the marquee in the Garden Village?
Make your entry online (see below) and bring it to the Norfolk showground on Tuesday 24th June 2025 between 3 and 7pm. Your entry should be in any type of basket using flowers and plant material from your garden or a supermarket. You can incorporate home grown vegetables if you wish.
Bring along your completed arrangement to be placed on a table which is covered with grey material. Your basket design should fit into a space with maximum width 65cm x depth 60cm.
The Baskets of Flowers will be judged by visitors to the Garden Village and the winner will receive a certificate.
Access to the showground for bringing your exhibit on the Tuesday is through the King George Vl gate in the bus layby on Dereham Road, Easton, Norwich, NR5 0TT. DO NOT BRING YOUR CAR ONTO THE SHOWGROUND. Please do not arrive early. When you have staged your entry you will receive one ticket and car park pass to allow entry to the showground on Thursday to collect your exhibit at the end of the show.
All exhibits and exhibitor’s property will be at the risk of the exhibitor and the NNHS and RNAA accept NO liability whatsoever for loss or damage sustained by any exhibit or competitor or their property.
Entries to be made online (see below) and close on Monday 16 June 2025 at 6pm
Floral Art Co-ordinators:
Mrs Gloria Goodley and Mrs Jacquie Aldous
c/o 4 Rump Close, Swanton Morley, NR20 4NH
Tel: 01493 721676 or 01362 638320
e-mail: [email protected]